Experience Strategist

Experience Strategist

Driven by curiosity, empathy, and ingenuity, you will research, analyze and identify emotional connecting points to create client deliverables that lead customers to experience a product or execute a desirable action.

What they love about their jobs

Creative professionals talk about their favorite parts of their day.

Grant Collins
“I love interweaving storytelling into online interactions and getting near-instant feedback on the impact.”
Grant Collins
Experience Strategist at DMCG Global
Armando Sanchez-Monsivais
“I enjoy helping people, and my job is to show up at meetings and help people understand what Twitch is and how they can be a part of it.”
Armando Sanchez-Monsivais
Product Strategist at Twitch
Anthony Hollingsworth
“I love being able to tell stories from the margins—uncovering an insight, then turning that feeling into work that makes someone else feel seen.”
Anthony Hollingsworth
Creative Strategist at Laundry Service
Katya Kotlyar
“I help make ideas happen that would otherwise never see the light of day, and I get to do that all the time.”
Katya Kotlyar
Creative Strategist at Startup

Where this is needed

Style is always evolving, and the industry doesn’t just need apparel and footwear designers. Magazine editors, writers, photoshoot producers, and many more roles are in demand.
Beauty and cosmetics live and breathe branding, and the industry needs creative leaders to make interesting, distinctive designs, campaigns and identities that connect with a wide range of customers.
A massively growing industry that needs creatives of all kinds not only to build games, but to plan the characters, create the campaigns, and envision what’s next.
Social Media
The big social media companies employ thousands of creatives to build better experiences for users, strategize how to evolve their platforms, program better tools, and much more.
The key to marketing is clear and persuasive storytelling, and that means writing, design, digital experiences, photography and a lot more that goes into bringing a brand’s value to its customers convincingly.

Skills to thrive in this field

Ability to understand and relate to the human mind
Provide undivided attention to others’ actions and information
Listen, process, and effectively share meaningful content
Ability to see positive outcomes in situations
Watch, monitor people, trends and outcomes attentively

Commonly used tools

a customer relationship management (CRM) platform
Google Analytics
Google Analytics
Data and statistics of web & app events for marketing performance insights
Whiteboarding software for collaboration
Survey Monkey
Survey Monkey
Customer feedback collection
To ask users questions and gather information
Presentation software for macOS and iOS
Microsoft Office
Microsoft Office
A desktop productivity suite with writing, reporting, and presenting tools
Notion is a productivity and organization tool
A cloud-based collaborative design platform
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